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Can CBD help with eczema?

An estimated 15 million people in the UK suffer from eczema. The condition leads to irritated skin, which can get patchy, itchy and red.

The NHS says that eczema can run in families and individuals can develop the condition alongside other conditions such as asthma and hay fever.

Breakouts can be triggered by anything from stress to strongly-scented soaps and detergents.

The weather can also affect eczema due to the pollen count.

Could CBD provide relief for the condition?

CBD is a potentially effective treatment as it may help to restore skin balance, reduce redness, soothe itchiness and irritation.


Studies have shown that CBD produces anti-inflammatory effects that could help with managing skin irritation.

The American Academy of Dermatology has also suggested using CBD skin products as an adjunct measure for acne, eczema, and psoriasis.

Anti Bacterial

CBD may also help to prevent infection in skin that has been damaged, scratched or broken as a result of eczema.

A study at the University of Queensland’s Institute for Molecular Bioscience found that CBD killed numerous strains of bacteria, including VRSA, VISA and MRSA.

Improved sleep

A woman asleep in bed.

Many people who suffer with eczema can also suffer from sleep problems as intense itching may keep them awake at night. CBD could help to soothe irritated skin, making it easier to stay asleep.


Eczema sufferers can also have low self-confidence due to the appearance of their skin.

Eczema can leave visible marks, redness, bumps, blisters and also hives which can make people feel self conscious.

CBD can affect serotonin, which is a neurotransmitter that plays a vital role in mental health. Low levels of serotonin can lead to depression or anxiety

One study showed that 400mg of CBD reduced anxiety levels among individuals with Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD).

The best way to take CBD for eczema

CBD creams can be applied directly to the affected area to help reduce redness and itching.

Creams can be combined with other skin-calming ingredients, such as lavender or chamomile for extra soothing.

Try to avoid creams with a strong scent of perfume. 

Here are a few of our skin heroes

CUBID CBD Rescue Body Butter 100ml. £45

A jar of Cubid brand body cream

Cannaray Muscle Balm 60ml. £40

Two CBD products on a white background

Pure Phyto CBD Salve Lavender 100mg. £14.99

A jar of purephyto CBD balm and its box

Fresh Bombs Shea Skin Healer CBD Bath Bomb 35mg CBD. £7.99

A pink and yellow bath bomb
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